1) Why so few interior photos
of the 1896 Cliff House? I understand that it was early days
for photography, but lots were taken inside other buildings of the
time, so clearly not that difficult. And this was a famous
landmark! This item is not just a search for more interior
photos, but also for a definitive explanation of WHY there were so
few. Presumably a house policy, but I've failed completely to
verify that. I even found a newspaper story of a photography
club meeting at the Cliff House. And they didn't take photos?

2) I'm aware of only two almost
identical photos
showing damage from the
disaster. Why so few of an event this dramatic?

3) I would love to ID this
amazing balloon photo per our numerous discussions. Having
searched the newspaper archives I now realize there were actually
balloon launches, so we may never know.

4) More movies of the
gingerbread palace! I guess we're lucky have the Edison one, but
sure would love to find another. Highly unlikely I'd suppose.

5) Not a single photo of the
1894 xmas
fire? Not even the ruins?

6) Did 06' earthquake survivors
really descend on the Cliff House as this postcard claims? Our
consensus was that it probably wasn't realistic given the distance,
but why the postcard?

7) We have not solved this mystery...what is this object?

Part of ship? Whale bone?
Driftwood sculpture? Inconclusive so far.

It also appears in this photograph, closeup below

8) What became of poor Billy
Bane? Just a
or a real person?

9) Was there really a Camera
Obscura in the Cliff House? I realize that some think
the evidence
is compelling, but I still feel like more proof is needed. Not
a single mention in the period newspapers.
10) This postcard is one of my
favorites, despite the poor quality. I just love the
composition. I always hoped I would find a non-colorized
version, but still looking.
