Cliff House Project
A Program of Western Neighborhoods Project

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Stereoviews were very popular at the turn of the century.  And considering how very few years the Victorian Cliff House existed, there were a surprisingly large number of stereo photographs taken…



"20562 Sunday Afternoon on the Beach - towards Cliff House and Seal Rocks"
International Stereograph Co., copyright 1906, C. L. Wasson


Courtesy of Frank Mitchell

Same image as above but different cropping
Courtesy of Frank Mitchell


"Cliff House and Seal Rocks SF CAL, Olaf P. Larson"
billboard in distance: "Hunter Rye" (link)


from Ocean Beach...

  the above two views appear to be a set

Courtesy of Frank Mitchell

  Library of Congress image (link) Online Archive of California (link)

by moonlight...


from Sutro Heights...

    image from poster of stereoview

amateur views...

  July 9 1904 (reverse)
J.H. Turney & Co
  Sequence taken during a storm, Mar 13 1905
"April 29 - 03" (rev) JJ Reilly  


- Amateur Set -

"Gathering shells on the beach of the Pacific ocean" (rev)

"The waves of the Pacific Ocean as they come dashing in on the beach.  Each fellow runs for his life." (rev)

glass stereoviews



Glass stereoview, courtesy of Thomas Anschütz Much/Germany
Exhibit link (German) (English)
More on August Fuhrmann's invention (German) (English)
Still more:  (German) (English)

"Ship Entering the Golden Gate, San Francisco, Calif."
Later (1909) Cliff House


If you have a pair of those blue/red 3D glasses, here's a movie showing stereoviews converted to anaglyphs

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