Cliff House Project
A Program of Western Neighborhoods Project

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Animal Drawn Bicycles Tour Bus Rail Automobile


Courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Image courtesy of Glenn Koch


"Sept 30 1929"
Photo courtesy Darlene Thorne Collection


GGNRA Behrman Collection, date on print is 1894


Courtesy of Frank Mitchell


A mule-drawn Anheuser-Busch beer wagon passing by the Cliff House (rev)
Courtesy of Frank Mitchell



"The Passing of the Horse"

The San Francisco Call - Feb 23 1896  (pdf)
Article describing the decline of the horse, not just because of the automobile but also the bicycle.
Also goes on at length about how people smoke less when bicycling.


The San Francisco Examiner - May 28 1896


The San Francisco Examiner - 26 Jan 1922