Until very recently
these were thought to have been lost forever, but they resurfaced and are now
available for
reproduction from the Park Archives.
Here they are in digitized format...

Cross Section |
- Side Views -

East Elevation |

Elevation |

This is a new page of the
blueprints that came to light recently. The close-up on the right
shows an
architect's little addition, good old Adolph himself standing on the balcony.
- Floor Plans -
(click each floor for blueprint)
Camera Obscura?
The blueprints clearly call out a "Camera Obscura Room"
in the NW tower...
Roof Page, NW
corner |
2nd Attic Page,
NW corner |
But was there? Click
here to learn more.

Floor plan from 1901 insurance map (Sanborn
Fire Insurance Map)
- Images of Cliff House
under construction -

SF Public Library website

From the book "San
Francisciana - Photographs of the Cliff House" by Marilyn Blaisdell.
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