illustration has been reproduced in every format imaginable....postcards,
dishes, toothpick holders, you name it. And yet the original artist
is so far unknown. If anyone finds a signed version or has more
information, please
set the record straight.

to John Hall who studied the blueprints in great deal during his
3D model creation, this illustration was most
likely created before the actual building was completed. This is based
on his observations of the differences between the illustration and the
actual building:
On the painting...
1) The bottom two floors do not have windows.
2) There is a stairway coming south out the vestibule.
3) There is a finale on the top of the southwest tower that
wasn't there because of the
camera obscura lens.
4) The flagpoles are missing from the top of the two eastern
5) The chimneys have decorative tops.
6) The center tower roof is taller than it was built.
7) The center tower is taller than built.
8) The lights on the railing of the balcony above the front
entrance weren't built. |


Courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke

Photo courtesy of Art Philp

Image courtesy of Paul Scalcini

Miss San Francisco, City
Belles series
Artist: Archie Gunn, Copyright 1906
Postcard scan contributed by: Mike Kane

Illustration by
Lary McKee & Marc Inge Saastad (info below)

Scans courtesy of Robert R. Talley

Courtesy of Gilman / Whitney Collection
(artist name below)
