
Glass negative showing foundation
Property of DeYoung Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco
(click here
for digitally restored version)

This structure on the cliff's edge is sometimes identified as the remains of the
Cliff House foundation. While that hasn't been ruled
out, it seems more reasonable that it was the support beams for a viewing
platform build around 1910. More info

"View north to construction, with framing mostly complete. Seal Rock at
Courtesy of Western Neighborhoods Project (link),
original source Marilyn Blaisdell Collection, Isaiah West Taber

Cliff House nearing completion (WNPCHP)
The Cliff House was remodeled just
prior to the 1907 fire, so how do we know this is a photo of the
newly constructed Cliff House?
John Hall (2/26/2018): The stables to the north haven’t
been built yet. If this was the remodel the south end of the stables
would be in the picture.
John Martini (2/26/2018): sometime after 1900 at least
one of the arcade arches at the south end was glassed in (link),
and stack extensions added to the chimneys west of the tower.
I always look for those tall chimneys when organizing historic
photos of Ocean Beach and the CH. Visible for miles, they’re a handy
reference for categorizing early vs later photos of the Cliff House.
Note stickers on windows, construction sign (lower right, enlarged here)

Architects Emil Lemme & Charles J. Colley
Emil S Lemme (1863 – 1921), partner
of Colley in the construction of both the Sutro Bath and the Cliff
More info |
In 1895 (?) Sutro commissioned the architectural
team of Charles J Colley and Emil S Lemme to design the new Cliff
House; he had used them before, most notably on the Sutro Baths.
In early August 1891, Sutro had advertised in the
San Francisco Chronicle inviting designs for his proposed bathing
establishment. He offered a “premium” of $500 to the winning design
and set a deadline for the end of the month.
In a letter to his mentor Professor Ricker, Lemme
described how they won:
“In the Sutro competition – being
an open one – we had to compete against 15 other
Architects, having but a month’s time. We only submitted
two sheets, one of which was reproduced in the paper I
sent, the other being the ground plans. The drawings
were only finished in black ink. I state this to compare
this with the drawings submitted by the others that I
have seen in Sutro’s office. They were elaborately
colored with exterior and interior perspectives. One
architect even sent his plans to Boston to have them
colored there and photoengraved…..Mr Sutro told us that
our plans came nearest to his requirements and showed
the most thought and study. He said he cared nothing for
fine pictures.” |
Sutro was likely an astute judge of a good design,
being a successful self-educated engineer and inventor. His wealth
came from the design and construction of the tunnels to drain the
Comstock silver mines – a feat that many considered to be
impossible. He was not afraid to go against the odds.
Lemme went on to complete 150 or so working
drawings. Colley acted as the project superintendent and was the
main point of contact with Sutro.
Prior to the Sutro Baths, the team of Colley and
Lemme had won the competition for the Woodland City Hall & Fire
station in Yolo County, California in 1890. Sutro was by far their
most important client. Their partnership was relatively brief and
appears to have been dissolved by 1895.
Both Colley and Lemme came from the Midwest:
Wisconsin and Iowa respectively: but had contrasting backgrounds.
Colley had worked his way up through the trades. Lemme was a
university-trained architect who had also studied structural
engineering; a rare breed in those days.
Researcher by: Desmond Smith
...By July 1895
construction was rapidly progressing. Immense loads of earth had been removed
from the site and some twenty or more massive iron rods had been secured in the
rock face with cement as supports for the structure's foundation. According to
the San Francisco Call of July 10, 1895, the main building would be five stories
high surmounted with spires and a tower twenty-seven feet square which was to
serve as an observatory. Tourists could rise the eight floors from the basement
to the top, some 200 feet above the ocean, by an elevator. The main floor, level
with the road, would contain a large dining room, parlor, bar, and numerous
private dining rooms, with necessary kitchens. The second floor would have about
twenty private lunch rooms, as well as a large art gallery to exhibit many of
the gems from Sutro's private collection. The third floor would provide a very
complete photograph gallery, reception rooms, and parlors, with panoramic views
of the shoreline from large circular windows. On the first floor below the road
level, Sutro planned to reinstate a popular price concession area where tourists
could lunch, buy shells from the curio man, and watch the seals, as was the
custom in the old Cliff House. And in the basement the building's laundry,
boilers, machinery, and rooms for employees would be installed. The furnishings
for the rooms were going to be "elaborate and neat," and would provide the
visitors with many settees and easy chairs in which to relax and enjoy the
resort surroundings.
Quotes from:
"S.F. Morning Call," Dec. 27, 1894, p. 10 and July 10, 1895, p. 7; Cliff House,
Bids, Offers, Contracts, 1894-96, Sutro Collection, Box 38, Misc. Payrolls and
Bids, 1890-1907, Bancroft Library, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Cal.; "S.F.
Morning Call," Dec. 31, 1894; "'Burning of the Cliff House' sold like Hot
Cakes." "The Pony Express 21, No. 9, Feb. 1855, p. 2.)

The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 25 1895

The San Francisco Call - Jan 27 1895, p7

San Francisco Chronicle - Jan 27 1895

The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 27 1895, p16

San Francisco Chronicle - 13 Apr 1895
"contractors are Campbell & Pettus"

The San Francisco call - May 13, 1895

The San Francisco Call - Jun 3 1895

San Francisco Call - 17 June 1895
SF Call - 25 June 1895

Cliff House, July 1895 "The Wasp" Magazine
Illustration showing Cliff House under construction

The San Francisco Call, Wednesday, 10
July 1895, pg 7

The San Francisco Call - Nov 25 1895

San Francisco Chronicle - Dec 20, 1895

San Francisco Chronicle - 29 Feb 1896

Cliff House Lighting
The San Francisco Call - 24 May 1896