Sutro's Aquarium Demonstration
Sept 3 1887

San Francisco Chronicle - 7 Jan 1886

The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 8 1886 |
An Aquarium
Adolph Sutro will complete within the next three
months a salt-water aquarium on the shore of the small
bay to the north of the Cliff House. It will be for salt
water only, 120 feet in diameter, and contain every
variety of sea anemone and shellfish. There are now
forty men engaged on the work. Mr. Sutro finds that he
cannot donate his valuable library to the city without
the passage of an Act of the Legislature similar to the
Act passed in relation to the Stanford gift.
Daily Alta California - 8 Jan 1886 |

San Francisco Morning Call - May 1 1887

New York Times - May 9, 1887 p5

San Francisco Morning Call - 14 May 1887

The San Francisco Examiner - Sep 4 1887
It is Tested by Allowing the Salt
Water to Run Into It
A test of the adaptability of the basin which
Adolph Sutro has constructed at the Ocean Beach for the
purposes of an aquarium, was made yesterday. The basin
is located near the Cliff House. The arrangement for the
filling of the aquarium is an ingenious [sic] one, and
has perhaps never before been adopted. A cut has been
made in the face of parallel rock and a shelf hewn out,
and as the waters beat against it and curl around the
rock, it finds its way into the mouth of the tunnel
which leads to the aquarium. This reservoir has a
continuous supply of fresh sea-water three hours before
and three hours after high tide. The basin cannot
overflow, as trap doors are prepared to let out the
surplus water. The aquarium — a large, rock-walled tank
— holds about 500,000 gallons of water. A year and a
half has been spent by the workmen in its construction.
Between the basin and the aquarium there will be a
system of heated pipes, which will enable Mr. Sutro to
keep the water at the proper temperature for the fish
with which he will stock it. The lower aquarium is
divided into two compartments. Above them is another,
which will be filled by hydraulic pressure. The test
made yesterday was perfectly satisfactory, the waves
breaking on the shelf and running into the basin by
means of the tunnel in accordance with the design, thus
showing that the plan adopted by Mr. Sutro is a feasible
one. Leading from the aquarium in the lower bank will be
a large iron pipe conveyer of water to the baths, which
will cover some two acres. The tunnel through which the
water passes is one hundred and fifty feet long and six
feet high. The work of finishing the tunnel is by no
means complete as yet, it being expected that another
year will be required. There is yet some heavy masonry
work to be done before the actual work will commence
upon the aquarium. There will also be an additional
attraction in the shape of a grotto, for the tunnel at
low tide will be empty and will be covered with lichens,
sea-mosses and other marine curiosities. Mr. Sutro has
announced his intention of building another rock
bulk-head from the aquarium to the opposite rock under
the Cliff House, and enclose about two acres of sandy
beach. This will be supplied with water from the
overflow of the tunnel. The large tank of the aquarium
he will probably turn into a swimming [sic] resort with
the depth grauated [sic] from three to eight feet. No
danger could be apprehend [sic] from sharks or other
dangerous fish, as a screen would be placed over the
mouth of the tunnel. It is also expected by Mr. Sutro to
pump sea water up the hill to an altitude of 200 feet,
where he will have a glass aquarium stocked with all the
varieties of salt water fish.
Daily Alta California - 4 Sept 1887 |
The Successful Completion of One
of Its Sections
Adolph Sutro and a number of visitors
assembled at Parallel Point yesterday afternoon to
witness the introduction of sea water to section one of
his new marine aquarium. The large tank, built of rock
and lined with cement, is situated in a cove to the
north of the Cliff House, at a height of fourteen feet
above the level of the sea at high tide. It is
constructed in the form of a circle, having a depth of
ten feet. It is eighty feet wide and forty feet long.
Its capacity is estimated at 250,000 gallons. The water
is conveyed to the tank by means of a tunnel 200 feet
long, which has an incline of three feet from the
opening to the extreme end. At the extreme north end of
this passage-way and at the base of Parallel Point at an
elevation of seventeen feet above high-water mark, a
ditch or catchwater seventy-two feet long and twenty
feet wide has been constructed in such a manner as to
catch and deposit in the basin the heavy breakers that
dash against the rocks at high tide. This overflow is
conducted through the tunnel and finally deposited in
the aquarium. On the west and southwest sides of the
bluff similar trenches have been constructed, all
emptying into the main passageway, which has been
divided, for this purpose, into two sections of 100 feet
each. The volume of water received by these trenches is
conducted with extreme velocity through the tunnel as
far as the main tank. The rock-walled aquarium will be
connected by floodgates with the new tanks now in course
of construction. As soon as they are completed Mr. Sutro
intends stocking them with marine fish of all species.
The third and largest tank will be used as a swimming
bath. This will be enclosed by an immense glass
structure. The work has occupied about one year and has
been performed under the direction of A.D. Harrison. The
aquarium was successfully filled yesterday in twenty
minutes. There is little doubt that the new aquarium
will prove a source of pleasure and instruction to those
who visit the grounds of Mr. Sutro.
San Francisco Morning Call - 4 Sept
1887 |

San Francisco Chronicle - Sep 5 1887
The Latest Attraction Which Adolph Sutro Has
Provided for Visitors At the Cliff
A number of visitors assembled Saturday at Sutro Heights,
near the Cliff House, to witness the influx of sea water to the
aquarium recently built by Adolph Sutro.
The aquarium is located to the north of the Cliff
House on the property of Mr. Sutro. It has been built down in a
recess in the rocky bank from which much material has been taken out
from time to time for use in the improvement of Sutro Heights. It is
built in the form of a circle, with the outer walls built up to a
depth of fifteen or twenty feet, the inner walls being against the
rock of the cliff. The aquarium is located not far distant from the
beach, which at that point is very narrow. A pretty, winding road
leads down from Point Lobos avenue and Sutro Heights down to the
aquarium and its surroundings.
San Francisco Bulletin - 15 Sept 1887 |
Sutro’s aquarium is giving him considerable
trouble. A quantity of sand slid into the basin
yesterday and he is now devising some means of retaining
the sand.
San Francisco Chronicle - 27 Sept 1887 |
A Troublesome
A landslide occurred at Adolph Sutro’s
aquarium recently, depositing a quantity of sand in it.
He will have it removed and completed the work. His
library building will be, when completed, one of the
handsomest in the State, as no expense is spared in its
Daily Alta California - 27 Sept 1887 |
The Children’s Playhouse and Grounds – Sutro’s
Aquarium and the New Steam-Motor Road
… Toward the beach the park has changed but little, and
only at the Cliff House are there signs of active improvement.
Adolph Sutro is still pegging away at his aquarium just north of the
Cliff House, and the damage done to it by the storm some time ago
has long since been repaired, and heavy masonry is being erected.
High up on the top of the hill, at the foot of which the aquarium is
still being built, is the road for the new steam-car line to the
Cliff. The road is cut around the brow of the hill, emerging at the
upper entrance to Sutro heights. From there it starts, passing out
in full view of the Golden Gate, some hundreds of feet above the
water, and skirting the shore at its most picturesque part. When
complete, this will indeed be the “scenic road” to the Cliff House.
The Marin county shore with its background of hills, the intervening
waters of the bay, Angel Island, Alcatraz and Fort Point are passed
on this road in panoramic review until when opposite a point known
as Land’s End, the road plunges through the hill and finds its way
to the heart of the city. From an artistic point of view, the mile
and a half from the western exit of the tunnel to Sutro heights is
the most picturesque bit of scenery on the peninsula. The road
itself is wide and solid, and will not now require much more work to
complete it. At the Cliff House several important improvements have
been made, and the crumbling wall leading up from the beach has been
torn down, and, during the erection of more solid structure, a
strong fence has been put up. The road from near the crest of the
hill winds round the rocks to the seaward side of the Cliff House,
and will lead clear up to the aquarium. When complete, this road and
the aquarium will add greatly to the pleasure of sightseers at the
Cliff House.
San Francisco Chronicle - 8 Jan 1888 |
Our Educational Institutions
As a text for this article we take the following extract
from the able, comprehensive and eloquent address of Hon. Frederick
M. Campbell, superintendent of the Oakland schools, before the
National Educational Association at Washington City, March 15,
… Mr. Sutro has as yet made no formal offer, but
has informally announced his intention of presenting to the public
his library, the two large aquariums to which he is constantly
adding and the botanical and other gardens connected with his large
estate. President Holden thus speaks in his recent report of the
offer of Mr. Sutro: "This site is an ideal one for a seaside
biological laboratory, where scientific research shall he carried
on, and Mr. Sutro will provide and will support the best aquariums
in the world. These are now partly built. The site adjoins splendid
gardens in which facilities are offered for experiments in botany
and agriculture. The library of Mr. Sutro will be, in itself, half
of a university, and access to it is equally important to all the
colleges of the university. The site proposed is at the terminus of
two cable roads, and will be less than one hour distant from the
City Hall."
Pacific Rural Press - 21 July 1888 |
Hon. Warner Miller was entertained at lunch last Saturday
by Adolph Sutro. He spent a great part of the afternoon in admiring
the marine view from Sutro Heights and in inspecting the baths and
aquarium now in process of construction.
San Francisco Call - 23 June 1891 |
For AQUARIUM AND BATH—W. B. H., Los Banos, Cal. The
concrete construction on the ocean beach, immediately north of the
Cliff House, is intended by Adolph Sutro both as an aquarium and a
San Francisco Call - 6 Dec 1891 |
A Watchman 'a Sight Destroyted by a Premature
Peter Petersen, a robust laborer who has been employed on
the Sutro Aquarium, had his eyes injured yesterday afternoon by an
explosion of giant powder and will probably lose his sight.
Petersen had drilled a deep hole in the rock near
the Cliff House for the discharge of a blast of giant powder. He
placed the cartridge in the hole and poured water into the cavity. A
fuse was attached to the cartridge, and Petersen was looking at his
arrangement when the cartridge exploded prematurely. His face was
just above the opening, and the mud, gas and water thrown up by the
explosion struck him with great force. He fell down stunned and
sightless. Petersen was taken to the Receiving Hospital, where Dr.
Berry attended him. The physician thinks that Petersen may recover
his sight, but will always suffer from the injury he has received.
Petersen is a Swede and has been employed for several weeks on the
San Francisco Call - 15 July 1892 |

The Record-Union - Apr 29 1893

Image courtesy of John Martini