Cliff House Project
A Program of Western Neighborhoods Project

Chambers ] CC Butler Purchase ] Samuel Tetlow ] 1863 ] Mark Twain ] Wreck of the Ann Parry ] James Cook ] Wreck of the Elizabeth Owens ] Jack Lee ] Rosa Celeste ] 1868 ] Brignardello Wreck ] George Francis Train ] Ralph Waldo Emerson ] Josephine Wilcutt Wreck ] King Kalakaua ] General Sherman ] King Philip Wreck ] Grant ] Ben Butler ] Hayes ] Sutro Visits Lands End ] [ Sutro Purchase ] Ocean & Park RR ] Foster Leaves ] Adelina Patti ] Bridge Collapse ] OB Pavilion ] Sutro Heights Opens ] Baldwin Tightrope ] Boyton ] Atlantic Wreck ] Baldwin ] Parallel Wreck ] Aquarium ] Ferries and Cliff House RR ] Davison Bros ] Capt Jack Williams ] John Williams ] balloon ] Bullet hits Cliff House ] Harrison ] Boxers ] Millie Lavelle ] Sutro Baths Opening ] Andrew Carnegie ] Storm 1892 ] Leland Stanford ] Balloon Crash ] Sutro fights with Southern Pacific ] Burglary 1894 ] Sutro Elected Mayor ] Xmas fire ] 1895 ] Caroline Miskell ] 1896 ] Storm 1896 ] Sutro Railroad ] Vanderbilt ] Olcott ] Airship ] Mayor Phelan ] William Jennings Bryan ] High Dive ] Sutro Illness ] John Harris ] Sutro Death ] Political Banners 1896 or 1898 ] Post Office Branch ] Rockefeller ] Train wreck ] Dive Cancelled ] Wireless ] CSAA ] Storm 1900 ] Storm 1901 ] Shriners Visit 1901 ] McKinley ] Henri Turot ] Moonlight Run ] Fritzi Scheff ] Reporter Wreck ] Shriners Visit 1902 ] Buffalo Bill ] Political Banners 1902 ] Pacific Cable ] Roosevelt ] Union Strike ] Coast to Coast ] Debt ] Storm 1904 ] Storm 1904 Sept ] Storm 1905 ] Knights of Columbus ] Reopens ] Cliff Line ] Radio ] Storm 1905 Dec ] Storm 1906 Jan ] Earthquake ] Minor Fire ] Storm 1906 ] Remodel ] Fire ] Atlantic Fleet ] 1908 ] 1909 ] Fannie Brice ] Taft ] Telegraph Tower ] Landslide 1916 ] War Takeover Threat ] Rudolph Valentino ] Sarah Bernhardt ] Closes 1918 ] Reopens 1920 ] Remodel 1922 ] DPW Roadwork ] Shriners 1922 ] Prohibition Bust 1923 ] Prohibition Bust, 1925 ] Landslide ] Faux Rock ] Coffee Shop Opens ] Closes 1925 ] Storm 1926 ] Ohioan Wreck ] Charles Sutro Death ] Whitney Purchase ] 1949 Remodel ] Sutro Baths Sold ] Skytram ] Sold 1964 ] Baths Fire ] Blue Cliff House ] 2003 Remodel ] Closed 2021 ]


Adolph Sutro Purchases
Cliff House
May 1881

Sacramento Daily Union - 7 May 1881


Daily Examiner - 07 Nov 1881
Sale from Butler to Sutro


Oakland Tribune - Nov 10 1881


Alameda Semi Weekly Argus - Nov 12 1881


The San Francisco Examiner - Dec 24 1881


San Francisco Chronicle, Dec 30 1881
(Click on above image for full article)


The Mendocino Beacon - Dec 31 1881


The Los Angeles Times - Jan 20, 1882


The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 21 1882


San Francisco Chronicle - Jun 1 1882


Oakland Tribune - Jun 2 1882
"Adolph Sutro has gone to Europe for curiosities and new notions."


The San Francisco Examiner - Sep 30 1884


The San Francisco Call - Nov 19 1892  (pdf)


The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 13 1893


The San Francisco Call - Jun 10 1894






This was sold on ebay with the following description:
"On the back of the cabinet card is written "Adolph Sutro?" But there is no mistaking the
younger and older portraits have the same nose and even the same whiskers!"
(I'm not sure, but I've posted it anyway - Gary)



John Martini sent this to me 11/2005.
"The Daguerreotype of the young Sutro brothers is from the Bancroft library’s collection. Not sure which one is Adolph, though."






San Francisco Call - 11 April 1897
(click for full size)