Adolph Sutro
Cliff House
May 1881

Sacramento Daily Union - 7 May 1881

Daily Examiner - 07 Nov 1881
Sale from Butler to Sutro

Oakland Tribune - Nov 10 1881

Alameda Semi Weekly Argus - Nov 12 1881

The San Francisco Examiner - Dec 24 1881

San Francisco Chronicle, Dec 30 1881
(Click on above image for full article)

The Mendocino Beacon - Dec 31 1881

The Los Angeles Times - Jan 20, 1882

The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 21 1882

San Francisco Chronicle - Jun 1 1882

Oakland Tribune - Jun 2 1882
"Adolph Sutro has gone to Europe for curiosities and new notions."

The San Francisco Examiner - Sep 30 1884

The San Francisco Call - Nov 19 1892 (pdf)

The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 13 1893

The San Francisco Call - Jun 10 1894

This was sold on ebay with the following description:
"On the back of the cabinet card is written "Adolph Sutro?" But there is no
mistaking the
younger and older portraits have the same nose and even the same whiskers!"
(I'm not sure, but I've posted it anyway - Gary)
John Martini sent this to me 11/2005.
"The Daguerreotype of the young Sutro brothers is from the Bancroft library’s
collection. Not sure which one is Adolph, though."

San Francisco Call - 11 April 1897
(click for full size)