Samuel Tetlow moves to heights
Sam Tetlow moves into a house near summit of Strawberry Hill – future Sutro
Heights Parapet area. (John Martini)
The below clippings may or may not pertain to the property in

San Francisco Chronicle - Oct 12 1869

The San Francisco Examiner - Jun 20 1877

The San Francisco Examiner - Apr 5 1881 (pdf)
Samuel Tetlow was accused of murder in 1881, later acquitted.
The trial is not
relevant to the Lands End property, other than this clue as to how
long he has lived
in San Francisco |

The San Francisco Examiner - Jun 3 1894

San Francisco Chronicle - Jan 14 1896

The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 15 1896

The San Francisco Call - Aug 25 1896

The Los Angeles Times - May 21 1898
Sam Tetlow obituary

The San Francisco Examiner - May 22 1898 |