Cliff House Project
A Program of Western Neighborhoods Project

Chambers ] CC Butler Purchase ] Samuel Tetlow ] 1863 ] Mark Twain ] Wreck of the Ann Parry ] James Cook ] Wreck of the Elizabeth Owens ] Jack Lee ] Rosa Celeste ] 1868 ] [ Brignardello Wreck ] George Francis Train ] Ralph Waldo Emerson ] Josephine Wilcutt Wreck ] King Kalakaua ] General Sherman ] King Philip Wreck ] Grant ] Ben Butler ] Hayes ] Sutro Visits Lands End ] Sutro Purchase ] Ocean & Park RR ] Foster Leaves ] Adelina Patti ] Bridge Collapse ] OB Pavilion ] Sutro Heights Opens ] Baldwin Tightrope ] Boyton ] Atlantic Wreck ] Baldwin ] Parallel Wreck ] Aquarium ] Ferries and Cliff House RR ] Davison Bros ] Capt Jack Williams ] John Williams ] balloon ] Bullet hits Cliff House ] Harrison ] Boxers ] Millie Lavelle ] Sutro Baths Opening ] Andrew Carnegie ] Storm 1892 ] Leland Stanford ] Balloon Crash ] Sutro fights with Southern Pacific ] Burglary 1894 ] Sutro Elected Mayor ] Xmas fire ] 1895 ] Caroline Miskell ] 1896 ] Storm 1896 ] Sutro Railroad ] Vanderbilt ] Olcott ] Airship ] Mayor Phelan ] William Jennings Bryan ] High Dive ] Sutro Illness ] John Harris ] Sutro Death ] Political Banners 1896 or 1898 ] Post Office Branch ] Rockefeller ] Train wreck ] Dive Cancelled ] Wireless ] CSAA ] Storm 1900 ] Storm 1901 ] Shriners Visit 1901 ] McKinley ] Henri Turot ] Moonlight Run ] Fritzi Scheff ] Reporter Wreck ] Shriners Visit 1902 ] Buffalo Bill ] Political Banners 1902 ] Pacific Cable ] Roosevelt ] Union Strike ] Coast to Coast ] Debt ] Storm 1904 ] Storm 1904 Sept ] Storm 1905 ] Knights of Columbus ] Reopens ] Cliff Line ] Radio ] Storm 1905 Dec ] Storm 1906 Jan ] Earthquake ] Minor Fire ] Storm 1906 ] Remodel ] Fire ] Atlantic Fleet ] 1908 ] 1909 ] Fannie Brice ] Taft ] Telegraph Tower ] Landslide 1916 ] War Takeover Threat ] Rudolph Valentino ] Sarah Bernhardt ] Closes 1918 ] Reopens 1920 ] Remodel 1922 ] DPW Roadwork ] Shriners 1922 ] Prohibition Bust 1923 ] Prohibition Bust, 1925 ] Landslide ] Faux Rock ] Coffee Shop Opens ] Closes 1925 ] Storm 1926 ] Ohioan Wreck ] Charles Sutro Death ] Whitney Purchase ] 1949 Remodel ] Sutro Baths Sold ] Skytram ] Sold 1964 ] Baths Fire ] Blue Cliff House ] 2003 Remodel ] Closed 2021 ]


Wreck of the Brignardello
September 3, 1868



"While there was no name on the below photos, the various views place it at the location noted for only three wrecks; Ann Parry (1865), Brignardello (1868) and Yosemite (1926). As to whether the image was one of a stranded ship that was later pulled off, aka "one that got away," the condition of the wreck in the photo is such that this was one that did not get away; bedded down, flooded, and strained and damaged to the point that it would break up, that means it could only be either Ann Parry or Brignardello. As Ann Parry broke up at the time of the wreck into scattered debris, the logical assumption can only be Brignardello. The relative size of the ship is what I'd expect for a 500-ton ship like Brignardello, and the form and type even with the masts down accommodated three masts; it is only the rigging on the masts that means it is a ship, bark or barkentine. There are chainplates, which supported the mast shrouds, that survived the loss of the bulwarks and rise above the deck level on the higher (port) side of the wreck; their position and the number of them show this was a bark. All of that circumstantial evidence notwithstanding, the fact that Brignardello stayed intact, minus its masts, is that the position of the wreck is as was described in the accounts for Brignardello; perpendicular to the shore, stern lower in the water, and heeled over to the starboard side, as seen in the photo. That winter (of 1868) the ship remained more or less intact, but flooded, and that is when these images were taken as the seas have stripped the decks of cabins before the end of the year, when the wreck turned over to port and then broke up further, aided by blasting, in early 1869. I'm sure this is Brignardello."     James Delgado (8/12/2020)

Stereoview of unnamed wreck, believed to be the Brignardello  (reverse) (WNPCHP WNP136.28)



Second stereoview showing same wreck (ebay image)




The San Francisco Examiner - Sep 4 1868


Daily Alta California - 5 September 1868


The Daily Morning Chronicle - 05 Sep 1868


Sacramento Daily Union - 9 Sept 1868


Daily Alta California - 12 Sept 1868

Sacramento Daily Union - 12 Sept 1868


Daily Alta California - 14 Sept 1868


The San Francisco Examiner - Sep 17 1868


Stockton Independent - 21 Sept 1868


Sacramento Daily Union - 22 September 1868


Daily Alta California - 12 October 1868


Daily Alta California - 2 Dec 1868


Daily Alta California - 11 January 1869


Sacramento Daily Union - 11 January 1869


The Daily Morning Chronicle - 12 Jan 1869


The Daily Morning Chronicle - 09 Feb 1869


The Daily Morning Chronicle - 30 Mar 1869


San Francisco Chronicle - 28 Oct 1870


San Francisco Chronicle - 26 Jan 1872 P3.jpg


Sacramento Daily Union - 27 January 1872


The San Francisco Examiner - Dec 21 1875
"Denny" is likely an artist named Gideon Jacques Denny (referenced here)





Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment
by James P. Delgado and Stephen A. Haller, 1989




Shipwrecks of the California Coast: Wood to Iron, Sail to Steam
By Michael D. White, 2014


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