Daily Alta California
December 1, 1874
KING KALAKAUA'S LEVEES. Reception of Array aad Navy Offloera —
Vlalt to the'
California Theatre— Serenade by tae Second Regiment. Yesterday
morning Kalakaua
and suite visited (rsph'a taken snd Inspecting the sights ot the
gallery Tbe
oOteul titles of each member composing the party were as follows t
His Majesty
King Kalakaua, of tha Hawaiian Isl. ands, &nl«ht lirud Ueosa """-k-mtha
Knight Orani Cross Francis Joseph, etc., etc. of O.bu, Knight Oraad
Kamehsmeha 1., Knight Oommander Pxancis Joaepb , Jantfht bpaniab'
Order Isabella
Oatollca. His Excellency O >v?mor John M. Kapena, Uov. crnor of
Maul, Kc'ght
Companion Kameh&meha I. His Excellency Hon. il A. Poire*. C. J.
resident Hawaiian Island, member of the Maa.acl.u-aana Society of
Hon. H. W. Severance, Hawaiian consul, ,San Francisco. THE LSVXU. At
noon the
leveea of His Majesty commenced In the large parlors of tbe Grand
Hotel- Bui
Majesty and Qoveraurs Dominls and Kapena war. attired In military
uniforms, with
tue decatattoae of tbetr Orders snd red sasbes. Minister Felroe and
Severance acted at Masters of Ceremonies. The first hour was devoted
receiving subjects of Hawaii and citizens who had formerly resided
in the At one
o'clock, officers of the Navy, in full uniform, were ushered Into
the King's
presence. Bear- Admiral Rogers, Commandant of Mare Island Navy Yard,
Rear-Admiral Almy, commanding the North Pacific Fleet, Capt.
Patterson, Of the
ship InJ.pmimrt Oominoaores Fltxuugh and Watsoc, Fay Inspector
Fulton, Medical
Inspector Brown, Paymaster Caawell, Lieutenants Cutts, Kennedy and
Midshipman K. J. l>oran. At two o'clock the officers of the Army, In
were received, the fallowing being present : Major- General
Schofield, Colonel
Wherry, l)r. McOeruilck, Colonel Msndell, Colonel Stewart, Colonel
Mayer Major
NstMß, General Barns, General Wilson, Lieut' eoants Mai lory,
Michler and Ennis.
His Majesty and party received hla visitor* with becoming dignity,
and abutted
pleasantly with all makinga very favorable Impression. IK IBS
evi»:»u t \ His
Majesty and party attended the California Theatre, and ware
received with due
honors, as elsewhere narrated. 1 It had been announced that the
Second Infantry
Regiment, with the Fourth Artillery Band would' arrive before tht.
fjraad Hotel
at half past Un o'clok to serenade Ul* Vaje.ty. At that tinto a
great crow* had
(fathered, out by the tint* tba) regiment arrived. The regiment was
formed in
front of the hotel, tbe Band playing the Hawaiian National Hymn, and
His Majesty
appearing at ono of tb* window* afhia parlors. The regiment then ill
TO-PAT The Royal party will be the guest of Mayor Otis. la tb*
forenoon, if the
weather is favorable. His Honor takes the party out for a drive to
the Golden
Gate Park and Cliff House, in the afternoon a reception will be
given at the
Mayor* residence. In the evenlUa His Majesty will receive the
Consular Corp. at
the Grand Hotel. To-morrow the party takes a trip around the bay to
Alcatraz and
Mare Island. Mr. Cox, agent of the Pacific Mall Company baa tendered
to Mayor
Otis the steamer I'adJU fee the trip. |