Cliff House Project
A Program of Western Neighborhoods Project

Sutro Baths ] [ Sutro Heights ] SealRocks ] Flag Rock ] Ocean Beach ] Lurline Pier ] Lifesaving Boat Ramp ] Sutro Midway ] Wave Motor ] teahouse ] terrace ] Fruit Stand ] Lands End Station ] Cottage ] Ocean Terrace ] Sutro Heights Casino ] Cliff House Garage ] Point Lobos Avenue Concessions ]


Sutro Heights

General Gate Parapet Statuary Sutro Residence Conservatory Gazebo Dolce far Niente Outbuildings Color PC Newspaper



Carl Gartefec. Leipzig
(hover mouse over image to view satellite map overlay)


"20 Main entrance, Sutro Heights", Palm Ave
Courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke
(more gate photos here)


"Palm Avenue, Sutro Heights, San Francisco Cal"  "Artopho LHS 65"
Courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke

"12. Flower Vases, Sutro Heights"
Courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


1888c Sutro Heights fountain & Ocean Terrace (wnp4.0088)


AJ McDonald


copy negative, from Blaisdell Collection


Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke

A.J. McDonald
Image courtesy of Frank Mitchell


Gryphon statue
C. A. Lare, Downs, Kansas (reverse)

Danseuse (Canova)
C. A. Lare, Downs, Kansas (reverse)


Gryphon statue in background
Source: SFPL (link)


Venus statue in foreground
Source: SFPL (link)


Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


ebay image
AJ McDonald


ebay image
"No. 4, Sutro Heights, Sn Francisco, Cal., 1886, View on Main Drive.  Taber Photo"
Presumably Adolph Sutro (far left)


Adolph Sutro, Sutro Heights


"6150 the main avenue. Sutro Heights, Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"No. 7, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, View on Main Avenue.  Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"No. 18, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, View looking North.  Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"No. 23, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Vase near lower Gate.  Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"No. 19, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Vase near old Lodge.  Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"85. San Francisco, Sutro Garden at Sutro Heights, looking East, Sept 23, 1890  E.C.W. Photo"  (rev)
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Album Page, 1904



Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


ebay image


Gryphon statue
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Gryphon statue
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Chinese Women in holiday dress (reverse)
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


ebay image


A. J. Mcdonald, photographer (reverse)
(WNPCHP WNP136.16)


"107 CARPET FLOWER BEDS, Sutro Heights"
"A J McDonald, Photographer, San Francisco, Cal." (reverse)


"107  CARPET FLOWER BEDS, Sutro Heights"
"A J McDonald, Photographer, San Francisco, Cal." (reverse)


"Sutro Heights, Flower Beds in Winter" by Perkins
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


"Geo. D. Gardner   2012 GLIMPSE OF SUTRO HEIGHTS"
Note Conservatory in background
Image courtesy of Glenn Koch



facebook image


"A Glimpse in Sutro Heights"


Well House

Well House


Adolph Sutro, Well House in background

facebook image



Sutro Heights - AJ McDonald
ebay image


"Palms. Grove."
"No. 76, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)
"Old Grove"
"No. 75, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"Palm Avenue Sutro Heights San Francisco Cal."
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


"Drive Way, Sutro Heights, S.F.  .McClearie""
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Palm Ave
Image courtesy of Dennis O'Rorke


Stag, Taber (ebay image)


"No. 78, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Old Grove.  Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"No. 77, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Old Grove.  Taber Photo"


"No. 28, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal.  1886, Old Grove.  Taber Photo"
Source: OAC (link)


"No. 21, Sutro Heights, San Francisco, Cal., 1886, Employees.  Taber Photo"
(Adolph Sutro mid-left)


Well House, 1966
SFPL (link)



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