In February of 2006 an
extraordinary Victorian album became available on ebay. It contained
hundreds of one-of-a-kind photographs taken by a Mr. George Lengeman,
a resident of "Butchertown" (south San Francisco). It came to
my attention because of it's Cliff House photographs, but was
especially notable in it's coverage of the 1906 earthquake.
After much scrambling, a group of us pooled our resources to purchased
the album. Once the photographs were scanned, the collection
was sold to the
of California Pioneers, thus assuring it's preservation for
future generations. While I would love to post the entire
collection here, but I do not have the storage space to do so.
Instead I've posted the Cliff House photographs, plus a handful of
the other more interesting images. Special thanks for my
fellow historians for all their hard work cataloging the collection,
and to the Society of California Pioneers for adding the album to
their collection. - gary 4-19-06 |

Other images from the Lengeman collection...

