Although damaged, this
photo has a good deal of interesting details. See close-ups below.

ladder on roof,

The upper sign is most likely an
advertisement for Jas E Pepper & Co (link1,
The lower sign is most likely an advertisement for Jockey Club Bourbon.
"E. A. Fargo of San Francisco (1867 - 1916) was a leading liquor wholesaler
and they produced Jockey Club Bourbon.
E. A. Fargo Co. (1896 - 1916) was the last company name." - John Freeman 2014

fire hydrant

more signs:

Still another VITA
OIL sign
"Vita Oil was a home grown quack remedy going back to 1880,
and signs pop up in many photos.
The below 1880 ad touts its many merits as a panacea. The proprietor moved his
operation to Berkeley following the quake." - Frank Sternad 2014
