South Sea Islanders
Porch View

The above image has been attributed to the 1896-1907 Cliff House,
but almost certainly depicts the
earlier Cliff House structure, specifically 1888.
Per John Hall (6/30/2014): "The
“interior” photo is on the balcony of the pre 1894 Cliff House. Note
the arches along the back of the below
photo. They match the
arches on the left hand side of the above photo."

Per Frank Sternad (6/30/2014): "The below 1888 news
items likely explain the origin of the natives, three men and three
women, rescued by a British transport, wrecked at San Pedro, then
sent to SF. The canoe ride exceeded their wildest dreams. Blaisdell
credits the photo to Archibald J. McDonald which may or may not
coincide with the "MD" at lower left. McDonald was active in SF in

Daily Alta California - Sept 26 1888

The Los Angeles Times - Oct 11 1888 |

The San Francisco Examiner - Oct 13 1888

San Francisco Chronicle - Oct 15 1888

The Los Angeles Times - Oct 22 1888 |