Transcribed by Mary Chitty:
The Baldwin
San Francisco Cal.
August 21st 1896
My dear Son.
I have no letter to
answer. Mail was delayed eight hours I was told last night and I think it
cannot have arrived yet to-day for it is now 2.PM. and no letters for me. I
hope you are all well – I am well and quite cool.
Yesterday took a ride to
the "Cliff House". Saw the ocean and found many changes and improvements (not in
the ocean -- but in the land). New bath houses (there was no old one). A new
Cliff House on the same site as the old one -- very much larger -- but looks too
new in its white and red paint to belong to the picture.
The ocean and Seal Rocks
and the seals themselves look just the same -- but no doubt the latter have been
changed many times in six years. But the present occupants of the rocks go
through the same aquatic sports and jump on and off the rocks -- same as their
ancestors. Barking is exactly the same.
I suppose by this time your
sister has come back to Phila and you and Neppie are having a rest. I hope you
are enjoying good health with it – Also that Mrs. Macardell is growing
stronger. Hope to hear from you by the next mail. I have no news.
Our routes I sent to you
have changed a little. We are here this week and next -- and on the 31st play
in San Jose 1 night. Then to Oakland just opposite here on the 1st - 2nd and
3rd of September. 4th Stockton . 5th Fresno. On the 7th 8th and 9th Los
Angeles. Then back to Sacramento for the 11th. 12th Marysville. 14th 15 & 16th
Portland Ore, 17 Tacoma Wash. 18th Victoria B.C. 19 Vancouver B.C. 21 & 22nd
Seattle Wash. 25th 26th Salt Lake City . 28th - Oct 3rd Kansas City Mo. Oct 5th
- 10th St. Louis Mo. We are doing a good business.
Met Rose Coghlan here on
Monday night. She has been playing in a stock company here. This week she is
playing in the adjacent towns [?] & with the same Co.
My love and kisses to you –
your wife – and son. I hope the great heat has left you and you are now
enjoying cool pleasant weather. Remember me to all friends. Hope the pictures
reached you on Wednesday.
Sorry you did not like
them. I may sit for some more here. Have had invitations from two galleries to
do so -- but it is such a trouble! [She did get at least one photograph]
Want to catch the mail
which closes at 3:30. It is now 2.30 PM. So by by for this time. God bless and
keep you and yours in good health, happiness & prosperity. Love to my dear
children Neppie and Ted. How glad I would be to see you all. Hattie wrote me
your corn was delicious. I have only had one delicious ear this season and that
was on the train Thursday after leaving Chicago. Love and kisses from your
loving Mother

This photo was taken by
my great grandfather Albert Nickinson as he arrived back in San Francisco from
Honolulu and the Spanish American war in 1898 -- 2 years after his mother EJ
Phillips had written the letter about the seals and the new bath house.
Mary Chitty, Sept 7, 2003